Can You Build A Container House In The Dominican Republic? (Solved)
Short answer: Yes, you can build a house with containers in the Dominican Republic, in fact, there are remarkable examples of container houses manufactured in the Dominican Republic, in the…
Can a Bungalow Be Built Over Water In The Dominican Republic? (Is it allowed?)
The Dominican Republic is an island surrounded by large bodies of water and a great ecosystem, due to efforts to protect the environment there are laws that prohibit construction within…
5 Key Tips Before Buying Or Building a Property In The Dominican Republic
I recently read a story about an American named Timothy Reed that broke my heart. This gentleman, in search of his dreams in a South American country, sold his house…
How to Remodel a House in The Dominican Republic? ( Tips, Costs and Nightmares)
Remodeling a house in the Dominican Republic could be a task worthy of being in a Freddy Krueger movie, especially if you know nothing about costs and construction, or if…
What Does A Dominican Country House Look Like? History And Characteristics
In order to understand the development of Dominican rural architecture, that is, of peasant housing, there are to study and analyze the social and economic history of the country. During…
The Billini Hotel, Colonial Zone- illustrated Architectural Guide
The historic Billini Hotel in Santo Domingo is located in the colonial zone with a luxurious style and an antique touch thanks to the use of the original walls from…